Meet Your Coach.

Jemma, a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist with Nutrition Council Australia, a fully qualified Esthetician of 7 years, a Mindset Coach, and podcast host of “I Am Well” Podcast.

What you get:

  • Access to direct messaging Jemma using the app Telegram.

  • Weekly zoom sessions (recorded if you can’t make them).

  • Balance Portal - Lifetime access filled with tools and resources, that will forever be updating.

  • Private Facebook Group, join a community of women, to help support you on your health journey. Lifetime access.

  • Health Journey Starter Pack - containing I Am Well Journals, workbook and self care essentials to get you started on your way.

All About The Balance Program

Why you will want to join the 3 month program:

  • It can get lonely when you are trying to create a healthy lifestyle, and no one around you seems to be supportive. It is proven that women thrive when they belong to a community. This is why I created this program! To create connections and realise how powerful the hormone oxytocin is.

    You know what oxytocin can fix? High cortisol levels, irregular periods, infertility, PCOS, PMS, insulin resistance, and stubborn weight loss resistance.

    It’s true! And creating connections and being in a community of like-minded women is just one way to do this.

  • I’m going to give you a toolbox, full of tools you can pick and choose for your own personal lifestyle and health. These tools can help you with such things as..

    • How to boost your energy levels,

    • How to eat to your hormonal cycle,

    • How to reduce inflammation in the body,

    • How to prevent illness and disease,

    • How to heal your gut in 24hrs,

    • How to reset your dopamine, so food is no longer addictive,

    • How to create a fasting lifestyle, that’s so flexible, easy, YOU get to choose how you do it.

    One thing that has become more prominent, is how little research has been done on women’s health in the medical world. There is only ONE study done on the affects of menopause on women around the ages of 45-60… ONE! And yet the highest rate of women’s suicide is around the ages of 45-55.

    This toolbox I’m giving you is so that you can take back the power of your own health. No longer will you have to wait until you get a diagnosis to feel heard and get a proper investigation done. After this program you will have your own tools to pick and choose, to help give strength back to your body.

  • I’m sick of women not getting enough information on how their hormonal cycle works. Every diet out there forgets women need to eat differently to men. We need to listen to our hormones, and there are times where we do need to eat more carbs, otherwise this is where hormonal imbalances occur.

    I teach a fasting litestyle to women, as it has become a phenomenon in women’s health. Not only are women getting significant life-changing results, but it has also, made women feel so empowered understanding what their body personally needs.

The Modules

Each week Jemma will go through these specific modules via zoom. They all have practical tools within them, to teach you how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

  • We need to get clear on what you want to achieve by the end of this program. It’s proven, those who have clear goals and are able to visualise them, are more likely to achieve them. Not only do we need to know what your goals are but also what is your WHY? Your why has to be big enough, otherwise times will get tough. We will also use this time to begin to plan micro-actions that need to start occurring, before implementing our reset in the third month.

  • I know I’m a nutritionist, and you probably just want to dive into when and how to eat. BUT I am also a mindset coach, and understanding who your identity is right now, and who you wish to become, is sooooo important! It wasn’t until I dove deep into my own identity, that I started to unlock the real change. Which is why in this module we go through who you are at the moment, your childhood, your inner child, and how to reprogram your subsconscious mind.

  • In this module we go through, every challenge that may come your way whether you’re in this program or when you are doing it yourself. These will be mindset challenges, personal challenges and societal challenges. This is the main reason why most, give up and say it’s too hard (not that the lifestyle I’m about to teach you is though). But I find it’s important to teach this so that you are prepared and you understand why you may be feeling like you want to throw in the towel at times.

  • It is so critical to understand what is happening in your body when you are digesting food. Ever heard of insulin resistance, and wonder why it occurs? Well I am going to teach you how to understand your blood sugar levels, what tools to use that can keep them steady, and how in doing this you can prevent illness, disease, and rebalance your hormones.

  • So maybe you have heard of intermittent fasting before? But I bet you haven’t heard of all the other types, autophagy, 24hr gut reset, 36hr fat burner, and more. I am using Dr Mindy Pelz’s principles and teaching you how fasting is such a powerful tool. All the science behind it, and all the life-changing results it has given people. Your mind will be blown after this module and I know you will want to dive right in.

  • I needed to dedicate a whole module to women’s hormones, so you can understand what is actually happening in your body. We really should have been taught this in school! But unfortunately women’s health hasn’t had a lot of research done. Only know are we discovering the brain pruning effects women are having during each big hormonal change. I will teach you it all in this module, so you will understand what your body needs, and how to listen to it. This goes for ALL women whether you have a cycle or not.

  • How to fast like a girl? Good news is thanks to my mentor Dr Mindy Pelz I am now a “Fast Like a Girl” Certified Coach. Which means I have a thorough understanding of how to implement a fasting lifestyle as a women. Yes, we need to fast differently to men, there are actually times we shouldn’t be fasting for longer than 12 hours and I’m going to teach you it all. Also how to choose your own fasting window and how to break your fast properly.

  • Ever heard of the mind-gut connection? It really does exist, and in this module we go through it all. Why inflammation, or leaky gut can occur? What you need to feed your gut to keep it heathy and growing? And what is damaging your gut? You will come out of this, being a pro on what foods/supplements are good and what should be avoided.

  • This is the last module we will go through together! And it’s about how to put it altogether, and create your own personal reset month. What’s a reset month? Well it’s a fasting month where you create it, dependent on what events you have on? your lifestyle, and what your goal is? Here we will determine, your different lengths of fasts, you will lean in and out of, when to eat more ketobiotic and when to eat more hormone feasting foods.

  • In this last month of the program, we will be implementing a fasting reset together. This will give everyone the opportunity to experience what it is like? What works for them personally and what doesn’t? As well as give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and clarify throughout.

    Don’t be surprised when you witness massive changes here!

Payment Options

Pay Balance Upfront
One time

3 month group program, for like-minded women ready to gain the knowledge and tools to live their best life! Program officially begins 1st July.

✓ Life Time Access to Balance Portal
✓ Containing Recorded Zoom Session
✓ Tools, Workbooks, Meditations and more
✓ Health Journey Starter Pack Sent via mail
✓ Access to Private Facebook Group
Pay Balance Monthly
For 3 months

3 month group program, for like-minded women ready to gain the knowledge and tools to live their best life! Program officially begins 1st July.

✓ Life Time Access to Balance Portal
✓ Containing Recorded Zoom Session
✓ Tools, Workbooks, Meditations and more
✓ Health Journey Starter Pack Sent via mail
✓ Access to Private Facebook Group
Pay Balance Over 6 Months
For 6 months

3 month group program, for like-minded women ready to gain the knowledge and tools to live their best life! Officially begins 1st July.

✓ Life Time Access to Balance Portal
✓ Containing Recorded Zoom Session
✓ Tools, Workbooks, Meditations and more
✓ Health Journey Starter Pack Sent via mail
✓ Access to Private Facebook Group