Welcome to Thrive

Why is it that roughly 90% of women who lose weight gain it back? Because they did a one size fits all diet!

Everybody is different and each person has a different metabolic set point, meaning just because one diet worked for one person, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Join me, in discovering how your body works and what it needs to Thrive! This 1:1 Coaching Program is a 3, 6, or 12 month tailored program to suit you and your lifestyle.

I understand how frustrating it can be to continuously try each year and never see results; Let me be your guide in navigating this intricate journey. This is not just a one size fits all diet; it's a personalized coaching experience to get to your root cause, and heal what is needed for life-changing results.

🌱 What Thrive Can Do for You:

  • Are you sick of feeling tired all the time? Work with me to find the root cause of your energy slumps. More energy in your life, means more opportunities, and opportunities are different paths to success, presenting themselves to you.

  • Are your hormones out of whack? Irregular periods? Going through peri or post menopause? Follow my teachings to get your hormones back on track.

  • Heal your gut, and watch it change your inner and outer health drastically. Did you know the reason you could be feeling so fatigued, bloated, stressed or constantly sick, could be due to gut permeability (leaky gut syndrome). Jemma guides you through personalized tools and strategies to help restore and balance your gut health.

  • High cortisol levels can cause so much havoc on a woman’s body. Together we will use mindet tools, create routines and science backed nutrition tools to lower your cortisol levels and bring balance back to your health.

  • Understanding how your womanly body works is empowering, give yourself the strength of knowledge. I like to use tools such as Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) to see what certain foods are spiking your blood sugar levels. Everyone is different and every BODY reacts differently to food.

"In the 1:1 Coaching Program, I am more than a nutrition coach; I am your dedicated partner in transforming your overall health. Together, we'll find the root causes, create sustainable changes, and empower you to thrive in every aspect of your life. I get it can feel impossible and that you have tried everything. I was there, with that frame of mind too! I know this works, trust me to transform your life for the better!" - Jemma Waterstone

You will gain access to fortnightly coaching calls, direct messaging to your personal coach, self-development tools, workbooks plus more.

BONUS: Sign up to work 1:1 with me and you will get access to a Continuous Glucose Monitor to use over 2 weeks at the beginning of the program, so we can see exactly how your body is responding to the foods you are eating. All results come directly through to me and yourself, using the program “Vively”. Usually costs $249 to go through the Vively app, whereas if purchased through me you will get for $199.

Don't let life's challenges hold you back. Step into the realm of possibility with me, where growth knows no bounds. The health journey you never knew you needed.

Get started by booking your free coaching call. Once booked you will receive a client form to fill out prior to appointment.

3 Month Care Plan

For those wanting help in starting their health journey, they don’t have any big health goals or major changes, but just want help in kickstarting a new healthy way of life.

  • 5 Coaching Sessions

  • Personalised Care Plan, using Multi-Therapeutic Approach

  • Direct Messaging to Coach when needed (Mon-Fri)

  • Lifetime Access to Portal and fb group

  • Option to purchase Continuous Glucose Monitor (at discounted price) to use over 2 Weeks.


6 Month Care Plan

For those with bigger health goals, such as weight loss, sustaining and enhancing energy levels, and mood etc.

  • 8 Coaching Sessions

  • Personalised Care Plan, using Multi-Therapeutic Approach

  • Direct Messaging to Coach when needed (Mon-Fri)

  • Lifetime Access to Portal and fb group

  • Option to purchase Continuous Glucose Monitor (at discounted price) to use over 2 Weeks.


Payment Options Available.

12 Month Care Plan

For those bigger goals that require more time, remember this may have been over a lifetime of unhealthy habits, so healing the body may take more time. E.g Losing stubborn weight, hormone balancing, gut healing, detoxing etc.

  • 14 Coaching Sessions

  • Personalised Care Plan, using Multi-Therapeutic Approach

  • Direct Messaging to Coach when needed (Mon-Fri)

  • Lifetime Access to Portal and fb group

  • Option to purchase Continuous Glucose Monitor (at discounted price) to use over 2 Weeks.
